
Irrigation tools to build profitable, climate-resilient businesses

Image courtesy of KickStart

A man wearing a beige baseball hat and woman wearing a purple scarf, holding a hose spraying water into a garden, standing outside, smiling and looking at each other.

Image courtesy of KickStart

KickStart’s mission

KickStart develops, promotes, and distributes high-quality irrigation tools across Sub-Saharan Africa, enabling farmers and their families to improve their quality of life, reduce hunger, build businesses, and strengthen livelihoods. To date, KickStart’s farmer-centric “MoneyMaker Starter Pump”—the world’s lowest-cost and easiest-to-use pressure irrigation pump—has helped farmers create $1.2 billion in new farm profits and wages, bringing more than 1.5 million people out of poverty.

Design & Manufacturing Excellence Award

KickStart is the winner of the 2019 Autodesk Design & Manufacturing Excellence Award for the “Making a Better World” category at Autodesk University.

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